Social Harassment Can Destroyed Anything. What Is Social Harassment?

This is not a matter of your religion. The question is, who has disrupted your mental balance through social harassment? 

Definition :

Without food you can survive 4 to 5 days but social harassment destroy you every second 

Social harassment, often referred to as social bullying or social aggression, is a form of aggressive and harmful behavior that occurs within social or interpersonal relationships. It typically involves actions or tactics that are intended to harm, isolate, or undermine an individual's social status, self-esteem, or reputation. Social harassment can take place in various settings, including schools, workplaces, online platforms, and communities.

Key Points About Social Harassment :

1. Types of Behavior : Social harassment encompasses a wide range of behaviors, including spreading rumors, gossiping, exclusion, social manipulation, and cyberbullying. It can be both subtle and overt.

2. Impact on Mental Health :  Victims of social harassment often experience significant emotional and psychological distress. It can lead to anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, and feelings of isolation.

3. Cyberbullying : With the advent of digital communication, social harassment frequently occurs online. Cyberbullying involves the use of social media, messaging apps, or other online platforms to harm or humiliate individuals.

4. Prevalence in Schools and Workplaces : Social harassment is prevalent in school environments, with children and adolescents as common victims. It also occurs in workplaces, where it can lead to a hostile work environment and negatively impact job performance.

5. Legal Consequences :  Many jurisdictions have laws and regulations in place to address social harassment, particularly when it involves discrimination, harassment, or hate speech. Legal consequences may include fines and civil or criminal liability.

6. Prevention and Awareness: : Efforts to prevent and address social harassment include educational programs, workplace policies, and online safety initiatives. Raising awareness and fostering a culture of respect and inclusion are key components of prevention.

7. Support Systems : Victims of social harassment benefit from strong support systems, which can include friends, family, mental health professionals, and support groups. Seeking help and reporting the harassment is essential.

8. Social Responsibility :  Promoting social responsibility and empathy is vital in reducing social harassment. Encouraging individuals to treat others with kindness, respect, and consideration can help create more inclusive and compassionate communities.

Social harassment can have serious consequences for individuals and communities, making it important to address and prevent such behavior through education, awareness, and a commitment to creating safe and respectful social environments. 

Hindus Say In This World, "A guest is God" (Atithi Devo Bhava)  

Officially How Many Hindu Countries In This World?

Answer Is Officially Zero Hindu Country In This World 

What Is Hindu Religion? 

Hinduism is one of the world's oldest religions, with a rich tapestry of beliefs and practices. It encompasses a diverse range of spiritual traditions, rituals, and philosophies. Central to Hinduism is the belief in karma, dharma, and the pursuit of moksha, or liberation from the cycle of birth and death. Hindus revere a multitude of deities, practice meditation and yoga, and find spiritual guidance in sacred texts like the Vedas and Upanishads. The religion embraces tolerance, allowing individuals to find their unique path to the divine.

What Are The Major Problem Hindu Religion?

These four castes are the Brahmins (priests, teachers), Kshatriyas (rulers, warriors), Vaishyas (landowners, merchants) and Sudras (servants) 

The caste system has been a significant and complex issue within Hindu society. Traditionally, it has divided people into distinct groups based on their roles and occupations. The four primary castes are:

1. Brahmins : Comprising priests and teachers, they have been responsible for religious and educational matters.

2. Kshatriyas : This caste includes rulers and warriors, traditionally responsible for governance and protection.

3. Vaishyas : Landowners and merchants, they have been involved in trade and commerce.

4. Sudras : Serving as laborers and servants, this caste has been involved in various service roles.

While these castes were originally intended to serve specific functions within society, over time, the system became rigid and led to social inequality and discrimination. Modern Hinduism seeks to address these issues by promoting social justice, equality, and inclusivity, aiming to overcome the problems associated with the caste system. 

In World History How Many Times Hindus Attack Other Countries?

There is no evidence that Hindus have ever attacked another country in world history

Hinduism as a religion does not have a tradition of conquest or expansion through warfare in the same way some other historical empires or civilizations have. Hinduism is primarily a religious and philosophical tradition, and while there have been conflicts in various regions where Hindus have lived, they do not represent the religion as a whole.

Throughout history, India has been home to various empires and kingdoms, including Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim, and others. These political entities engaged in conflicts and territorial expansions, but it would be inaccurate to attribute these actions solely to the religion of Hinduism

What Are Philosophy Of Hindu Religion?

Short Answer : Love people & respect to other religions

Broad Answer : Hinduism is a complex and diverse religious and philosophical tradition, so summarizing its philosophy is challenging. However, some fundamental philosophical concepts central to Hinduism include:

1. Dharma refers to one's duty or righteous path in life. It is the moral and ethical code that guides an individual to lead a virtuous life. Dharma can vary according to one's age, caste, gender, and occupation.

2. Karma is the law of cause and effect. It posits that a person's actions, whether in this life or previous lives, determine their future experiences. Positive actions lead to positive outcomes, and negative actions lead to negative outcomes.

3. Hindus believe in the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth (samsara). The quality of one's next life is influenced by their karma from previous lives. The ultimate goal is to break free from this cycle.

4. Moksha is the liberation from the cycle of samsara and the ultimate goal of Hinduism. It is achieved through self-realization and union with the divine. Different paths, including devotion (bhakti), knowledge (jnana), and meditation (dhyana), can lead to moksha.

5. Hindu philosophy explores the relationship between the individual soul (atman) and the universal, infinite consciousness (Brahman). Realizing that atman and Brahman are one is central to the pursuit of moksha.

6. Yoga is a spiritual and physical practice in Hinduism. It includes various paths, such as Hatha Yoga (physical postures), Bhakti Yoga (devotion), Jnana Yoga (knowledge), and Karma Yoga (selfless action). These paths aim to achieve spiritual growth and self-realization.

7. Ahimsa is the principle of non-violence and non-harm. It is a core ethical value in Hinduism and has had a profound impact on Indian culture and the world through figures like Mahatma Gandhi.

8. Hindu philosophy draws from the ancient sacred texts, the Vedas, and the Upanishads, which contain spiritual wisdom and teachings.

It's important to note that Hindu philosophy is diverse, with different schools of thought and interpretations. The above concepts provide a foundational understanding, but there are many nuances and variations within Hinduism's philosophical landscape.

Albert Einstein Thought About Hindu Religion

Albert Einstein, the renowned physicist, had great respect for Indian spiritual and philosophical traditions, including aspects of Hinduism. He was known to be open to various religious and philosophical ideas. While he didn't follow a specific religion, he often expressed a deep appreciation for the moral and spiritual aspects of Indian philosophies.

Einstein's views on Hinduism and spirituality can be summarized in the following points:

1. Respect for Hindu Philosophy : Einstein admired the philosophical aspects of Hinduism, such as the concepts of karma, dharma, and the interconnectedness of all life.

2. Unity of All Religions : Einstein believed in a universal religious feeling that transcended individual religious affiliations. He saw common ethical and spiritual threads running through various religions, including Hinduism.

3. Spiritual Exploration : Einstein was interested in the spiritual and metaphysical questions that religions, including Hinduism, often address. He explored these questions in his writings and discussions.

4. Religion and Science : Einstein saw a complementary relationship between science and religion. He believed that science could inform our understanding of the physical world, while religion and philosophy could offer insights into questions of meaning and morality.

Einstein's views on religion were characterized by his intellectual curiosity and a desire to find common ground between science, ethics, and spirituality. While he did not adhere to any particular religious tradition, he had an enduring respect for the profound ideas and philosophical depth found in Hinduism and other world religions.

Our Mission Read Below 

Protect People From Social Harrasment 

Human Rights 

Skills Development 

Support For Humanity 

Protect People From Social Harassment

Our mission to save Hindu people from below situations 

1) If someone threatened or cheated you or you are facing any problem, all our team members will take necessary steps to address the matter after proper discussion (without Violence activity)

2) Create a Social Media Platform For Hindu People for open discussion 

3) Provide everyday Digital Newspaper without political influence for real Truth & Judgement 

4) Help people to create more job opportunity 

5) Providing unlimited digital communication for verification and judgment (Matrimony, Jobs, Chating, Product or Services Buy / Sell Zero Percent Commission, Newspaper, News Debate, Like, Share, Comment)

6) Attack on Hindus (Voice Up)

7) Scams with Hindus (Voice Up)

8) Harrasment with Hindus (Voice Up)

9) Fake promises with Hindus (Voice Up)

10) Misbehave with Hindus (Voice Up)

11) Voice Up Against high price or charges or fake products or services 

12) Society awareness about karma 

13) Stand together for voice Up Against Wrong

14) We must work on human rights, this is very common issue in our society 

15) We receive complaints, forward them, and communicate with local authorities

16) Release zero political influence news

17) Release zero political influence debate video 

18) We Release your news for your justice

19) Skill Development

20) Create social awareness

21) Maintain CSR responsibilities

22) Coordinate with local authorities

23) Hinduism believes in loving the environment and respecting the activities of other religions. We want to spread the message of 'Atithi Devo Bhava" (English Meaning "A guest is God")